Easy and Effective Tips for Enhancing Performance and Longevity of MRF Tyres

Car owners should indulge enough time into maintenance of cars. Apart from regular servicing, you need to take care of certain things to keep the vehicle in top notch condition.


At the same time, regular maintenance will minimize expenses related to the car. In fact, tyres play major role in maintaining fuel efficiency.

If they are worn out, they can reduce fuel efficiency of your car. Among various tyre brands, MRF tyres are appreciated for their superior durable performance. Know more about tyre maintenance in the following section.

Right Time for Changing Tyre

Car owners must understand the right time to change tyre. Generally, it is suggested that they should be changed or replaced with new ones in every 5 years’ time span. However, it depends upon your usage.

If you do not use your vehicle too frequently, you can change tyres even after 10 years. However, it is important to check them regularly. Tread depth should remain perfect as per permissible limit. To check tread depth, one can use the simple coin testing method.

Tyre Rotation Enhances Longevity

If you want to enhance longevity of your tyre, you need to rotate them. Front tyres should be replaced by rear ones. This rotation should be a frequent process.

If you do not rotate them for a long time, you shall find that they have acquired clear signs of wear and tear. It is an expensive matter to change tyres frequently. To purchase them, you can check MRF tyre price online.

Checking and Regulating Air Pressure

Air pressure inside inflatable should be maintained perfectly as per instructions of manufacturer of vehicle. What is the ideal pressure level for tyres? Well, there is no fixed ideal pressure level, as it varies for different models of cars.

Pressure level has been mentioned on the manual. You need to measure pressure of inflatable frequently. Pressure should be maintained as per specifications.

Check Wheel Alignment

Wheel alignment should be maintained properly otherwise tyres will be damaged in faster time span. In fact, improper wheel alignment can lead to imbalance. This can result into gripping problems. To replace old tyres of your vehicle, you can Buy MRF tyre online.

Original Source:- http://mytyrepoint.blogspot.in/2018/01/easy-and-effective-tips-for-enhancing.html